They are considered one of the most nutritious and healthy fruits, providing a wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals to the diet. It has a low caloric content, only 52 kcal in 100 grams and a high fiber content, it is rich in antioxidants, vitamin B, A, C, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc.
The apple is widely used in cooking both raw and cooked, the recipes are many and varied throughout the world, it can also be consumed dehydrated, as a snack, in juices, cider, desserts, ice cream, vinegar.
Gala The fruit is truncated-conical in shape, with a closed calyx and a long peduncle, medium size. The background color, which is light green at first, turns almost white when the optimal harvest time approaches and then becomes more yellow as maturity progresses. The intensity and the percentage of surface covered in red depend on the clone, the agroecological conditions of the crop and the position of the fruits on the tree; Striae of red-orange color appear first, which, as it intensifies, extend to a greater or lesser degree over the background color. The lenticels are round and small, the pulp is fine-textured, yellowish, crunchy, juicy, semi-aromatic and of relatively neutral organoleptic quality, suitable for consumers who do not like apples that are too acidic.
Red Delicious The fruit is truncated-conical in shape, with five well-marked lobes or protuberances, sometimes somewhat irregular in shape. The peduncle is medium and somewhat curved; the calyx is more or less open, depending on the years. The epidermis is consistent, green with bright red streaks on much of its surface, although the coloration of the cover is heterogeneous and more intense in the fruits that are more exposed to the sun. The pulp is white-yellowish, with a finely granulated texture, crunchy, juicy, slightly scented, sweet, and with a good flavor.
Granny Smith The fruit is truncated-conical, regular and homogeneous, medium to large, with a medium peduncle. The epidermis is oily to the touch, deep green in color, with clearly visible white lenticels, sometimes a reddish color may appear on the exposed face. The flesh is greenish white, firm, crisp, juicy, markedly acidic and slightly scented.